The docuseries “Still Missing Morgan” delves into the heartbreaking story of Morgan Nick, who was abducted at the age of 6 in Alma in 1995 and remains missing to this day. Colleen Nick, Morgan’s determined mother, has tirelessly advocated for her daughter’s return and established the Morgan Nick Foundation to aid other families in similar situations. Through this series, she aims to shed light on her daughter’s case and raise awareness about child safety to prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future.

Morgan Nick Mom Colleen Nick

Colleen found it difficult to watch the series about her family's experience, even though they had already lived through it. The series uncovered new details about a vehicle linked to the kidnapping, with investigators being transparent with Colleen's family about their discoveries. Learning that Morgan was in a vehicle driven by someone who had harmed children deeply affected Colleen as a mother.

Alma police have made a significant breakthrough in the Morgan Nick kidnapping case

Alma police have made a significant breakthrough in the Morgan Nick kidnapping case, according to recent reports. The community has been eagerly awaiting updates on this long-standing investigation, and this latest development brings hope for progress in solving the case.

Morgan Nick Case

The Alma Police Department has announced that they will be holding a news conference on October 1, 2024, at 10:30 a.m. to reveal an important development in the investigation of Morgan Nick's kidnapping. Morgan was only 6 years old when she was taken while playing with friends and chasing fireflies on June 9, 1995. Despite the extensive efforts of law enforcement over the years, including the persistence of her mother Colleen, Morgan has yet to be found.

Colleen Nick founded the Morgan Nick Foundation to help other families with missing children, providing a platform for support and connection. She emphasized the importance of recognizing when a child is in trouble, as taking action could make a significant impact on their life. She encouraged people to speak up if they have any information or concerns, emphasizing the need to come forward during such difficult times.